Predominately Hyperactive-Impulse ADD / ADHD
Does your child play computer games, like so many children, do today? Don’t let Johnny or Suzie’s ability to sit still while playing a computer game fool you. For many children with ADHD, the simple act of moving fingers on a computer game module is enough stimulation to “mask” the constant movement symptom of hyperactivity. If you are borderline in thinking your child may have ADHD, take away the computer module for a week. You may have a cranky child for a short while, but you will quickly see the child’s response to the diminished stimulus. Other signs of hyperactivity are characterized by:
- making impulsive decisions
- blurts out answers in class
- disrupts classroom situations
- excessive talking or fidgeting
Consideration must be given as to whether these are temporary occurrences due to a heightened state of excitement, such as; an upcoming trip, a special party or similar such stimulating activity. If, however, these activities are a continuous problem, then consideration should be given to further testing.
Predominately Inattentive ADD
Do you find that you have to remind your child, over and over, to pay closer attention to you or to the teachers at school? If this is a consistent trait, or if the teacher sends home notes saying that Johnny or Suzie are:
- making careless mistakes
- not finishing tasks
- not paying attention or following instructions.
Then these symptoms would indicate that your child is easily distracted and further evaluation would be beneficial. Oftentimes parents use discipline techniques for these supposed “failures” to pay attention. Disciplinary measures for the typical ADD disorder will not be successful in the long run. It is at best, a temporary “bandage” on a more serious, yet treatable problem.
Combined ADD/ADHD
Even more subtle and difficult to diagnose is the combination of ADD and ADHD disorder. A good percentage of children diagnosed with this disorder have a combination of both ADD and ADHD. If any of the above, or similar symptoms, are recurring in your child’s daily activity, it would benefit you, and your child for you to take the ADD/ADHD test and submit the results to Dr. Young for his expert evaluation.
Treatment Has Many Benefits – for children and adults
While it is important to diagnose and treat children with ADD/ADHD to help improve, and in some 80% of cases drastically change their home/school behavior/social and academics lives for the better, what is equally important are the preventative effects of treatment related to the child as he or she grows into young adulthood. Studies have shown that adults who go untreated as children with ADHD are:
- 2 times more likely having trouble keeping friends
- 3 times more likely to be currently unemployed
- 4 times more likely to have an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) because of the high rate of promiscuity.
- Almost 50% more likely having trouble saving money
Additional Serious Side Effects:
- Dropping out of school
- Likely drug and alcohol abuse
- Increased auto accidents and speeding tickets
- Greater potential for criminal contacts and trouble with the police
- Higher rate of suicide
Testing and treating for ADD/ADHD in the early developmental years helps prevent these potentially harmful and lasting side effects from becoming serious problems into adulthood.